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Everything You Need To Know About Fentanyl Charges in SC
You may have heard the news stories about fentanyl. It is up to 100 times stronger than morphine and is responsible for overdose deaths every day. But, did you know it's still prescribed to treat chronic and severe pain by medical professionals? In this piece, we'll...
Top Defenses to Drug Charges in SC
In South Carolina, as in all states, drug crimes can be extremely damaging to a person's life, their relationships, their good name, their employment standing and much more. When faced with a drug charge, you don't have to just take it, especially when circumstances...
Signs & Symptoms Someone You Know Is on Drugs
Having someone close to you using and abusing drugs or other illicit substances can be worrying. If you care about someone's well being and you suspect that they may be dependent on substances, it's natural to worry about their health and safety. In this article,...
Trafficking Charge in SC: Fines, Penalties & Jail time
In SC, trafficking of a controlled substance is considered a very serious drug offense and can be subject to some of the most severe penalties possible. It's important to understand what is considered trafficking and what the possible punishments are if you are...
Charged With PWID in SC? Here’s What You Could be Facing.
There are three common drug offenses that someone could be charged with in South Carolina. Possession with Intent to Distribute (PWID) is the second most serious, carrying less severe penalties than trafficking but more severe than simple possession. In this article,...
Heroin Charges in SC: All You Need To Know
In South Carolina, drug crimes are considered to be serious offenses, punishable by fine, jail time, or in some cases, both. In this article, we'll discuss crimes involving heroin, including: What possession, distribution, and trafficking of heroin charges mean How...
Simple Possession in SC: 7 Most Common Questions Answered Here
The drug charge known as "simple possession" can in reality be anything but simple. Extenuating circumstances can change this seemingly straightforward charge into something far more complicated, and if you're convicted, penalties can vary greatly based on prior...
Drug Paraphernalia Charges in SC: Everything You Need To Know
In the South Carolina Criminal Justice System you can be charged with drug charges like simple possession and possession with intent to distribute in addition to possessing certain accessories that they may be using to handle or consume the drug. In this article,...
Crystal Meth Charges in SC: The Complete List
Crystal methamphetamine (meth) is a stimulant drug that's often synthesized and consumed in a variety of different forms. Like many other addictive drugs, possessing and selling crystal meth is illegal and heavily penalized. Manufacturing meth is a bigger issue than...